Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Andrew Burns - Labour Group Leader

Friday, 20 June 2008
Carry On Government...

Thursday, 12 June 2008
A Positive Start for Every Child

Tuesday, 10 June 2008
A Nationalist Conversation
It was announced today that despite it costing the tax payer £48 000 to print copies 'Choosing Scotland's Future', they have sold a mere 262. At least John Grisham can sleep in peace knowing that it probably won't knock his next thriller. But for the rest of us, it's not quite as rosy. This figure is for me symbolic of what this government's priorities are, and when it comes down to it, people really aren't interested.
Personally, I love the website. I love it how some of you Nats out there (many of whom will be reading this) leave your comments about 'burning the Union Jack' and do nothing but rant rant about how we get completely ripped off by the 'land of milk and honey', because you do my job for you; it makes your whole party seem stupid, and silences those within it who genuinely do want what's best for Scotland, and who want to take part in a constructive debate. The Nationalist conversation is so over run by the for-mentioned 'nasty bloggers' that it completely undermines the whole thing, even if it is nationalist propaganda paid for by public funds.
Parliamentary Questions opened up some interesting facts;
1) Three people are employed full time to run the National Conversation.
2) The voluntary sector has received £87 000 to facilitate it (despite the fact that so many voluntary organisations are being forced to close).
3) The website's regulations are in line with the 'blogging convention'. (A trusty document if ever there was one...)
It is impossible for the SNP to show as much interest to anything else other than Independence, because they simply do not care. Take a look.
Any schools built? NO
Any hospitals built? NO
Any support for voluntary organisation? NO
Any support for students? NO
Any support for first time buyers? NO
Any support for the disabled? NO
Any drive to build up resentment with England and stir up racism? YES YES YES...
We are now living in political stagnation. If you think the £1 you paid to cross the Forth Road Bridge was Scotland's biggest problem and injustice you were wrong. Politics is hard, it's tough, and it's about time the SNP realised that they're no longer a party in opposition, but a party in government.
Monday, 9 June 2008
A Walk to Remember...
And so i was delighted that George Foulkes recently invited him for a walk down the High Street of Edinburgh to meet and greet constituents. This of course came after Alex quite unfairly said "If George Foulkes bothered to see his constituents..." at FMQ's last week, despite the fact that that very morning George had met dozens of them at the protest to keep creches open. I understand why the Nats have a problem with George. It's because he is a political threat to the Nationalists, proved by the fact the SNP have a go at him at every possible opportunity. However, one thing he certainly can't be blamed for is meeting his constituents.
When was the last time Alex met his?
I doubt he'd meet many in his Ministerial car which he takes rather than walk 200 yards... What does that say about a person? How arrogant is that??? That's what upsets me most about it. He never answers a question in the chamber, and he never takes a walk on his own or uses public transport. Is it because he's scared? Jack McConnell would regularly walk into town, so security isn't an issue.
I think it's an awful shame that people who put themselves up and up so much don't actually like themselves. They love causes and people to compensate for not actually loving themselves. It's really sad and I see it so much in him.
He never takes responsibility. Never takes account.
I hope he takes a walk with George. I think he could do with seeing just a bit for what life is actually like for people.
When will he noticed that people aren't 'freed' with nationalism, but with education and health care? They're the real challenges, the real borders.
I would love to see the day this walk happens, as long as it doesn't lead to a jogging club. I'd hate to have to see them both in spandex...
Bring on the day when Alex puts his feet on the real ground. The ground of people. The ground of reality. The ground of Scotland.
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Obama for President

Was it just me that noticed it was neck and neck until the 'Scotland for Obama' Rally and t shirts swung into action?
I know those super-delegates had their eyes on Edinburgh when it came to the final few weeks. In fact, I think Kez was a super delegate...
I am absolutely delighted with what we've been hearing from America over the last few hours. The time for change has come, and I'm delighted I and others from different parties got to play a small part in that happening.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Coming to the End of the Line

Monday, 2 June 2008
I'm Back, Baby!

Well it just didn't feel right being away for so long, so here I am. For no other reason than lack of time and energy I was away, and I've decided I'm now back for more political, and some times a little personal, debate.
I wouldn't think it's fair to describe blogging as a great vent for anger. It feels like that sometimes, but it's not, it's much better. It gives me an opportunity to build my day the way I see fit; The way I see fit to govern a country or our moral conscience, and I miss it when it's not around.
Please leave comments and bring new and old people onto the site. You never know, you may even enjoy yourself... Actually, probably not, but you know...