Friday, 11 April 2008

SNP Councillor Proposes Bed Tax

SNP Councillor, Tom Buchanan, thought it would be a good idea to introduce a tax on hotel beds, in a desperate bid to help meet the increasing financial crisis of Edinburgh Council.

The "Tartan Tourist Tax" has been slammed by Labour's Tourism spokesman, Lewis MacDonald, who said that our struggling and declining hotels needed an added tax "like a hole in the head".

Charming! But fair enough.

What is this 'Government's' problem with identifying problems and solutions to the real issues facing our country? The Herald reported a decrease of 1.3% in hotel occupancy in Edinburgh compared to this time last year. It is at times like this that we need to invest further into our sectors, and not kick them while they're down.

This month it may just be hotel owners who pay the price. But with a tax on beds, the workers, the tourists, the small businesses, and as a result, all of us, will follow.

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