Wednesday, 23 April 2008

'Tartan Tories.' More than just a soundbite.

We all have our shadows

I've never known true Home Rule. Not true Nationalism. I'm sickeningly young and good looking. I'm out enjoying myself along with my fellow hoody wearing, crack smoking, abnormally offensive friends. I'm almost a real grown up now and have a job. But due to all this malarcky and carry-on I did as a teenager, the arguments made by Nationalists to vote Nationalist are the ones I read today. They're not yesterday's arguments of oil or lack of voice; in 20 years we'll have no oil, and with a Scottish Parliament we do have a voice.

For me, the SNP are nothing more than their last manisfesto, which was very impressive, and their delivery of it, which has not been such fun...

Parties do change. Maybe not fundamentally change, but they certainly adapt.

In politics, one of the secrets success is the instruction to 'Talk right, act left". Speak of competition, act on cooperation. Speak of entrepreneurialism, act on equality. Speak of choice, act on no child being left behind. However, the SNP have been speaking left and acting right. That is a dangerous tack.

People speak of Labour scare-moungering. Scare moungering?!

  • The Edinburgh Cyrenians- £28 000 cut

  • The Scottish Refugee Council- £10 000 cut

  • Capital City Partnership- £15 000 cut

  • Gorgie Dalry Partnership- £15 000 cut

The list goes on...

These are real cuts happening to real people. Not just people of this country, but the most vulnerable members of our society.

They really are Tories hidden by a Scotland flag and a see you Jimmy hat.

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